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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When she found out she didn't win, she was ____ sad. However, she felt better after we talked.
When she found out she didn't win, she was ____ sad. She cried all the way home.
really / very
I was ______ tired after work, but I decided to go out anyways.
The movie was ___ good, but it wasn't great.
The game was ____ good, but Kobe could've played better.
I know you said we wasn't a bad guy, but he's _____ weird. I have a bad feeling about him.
really / very
My neighbor is _____ quiet. We almost never hear him.
Her baby is _______ adorable, we love to babysit him.
really / very
She wore a ____ beautiful dress. Everyone thought so.
really / very
I don't know Susan _____ well. We've only spoken once or twice.
really / very
You're a ____ interesting person. I love spending time with you.
really / very
She's a _____ good chef. She has won many awards.
really / very
This cake is ____ good, but the one from Delicatessen is better.
The hike was ___ easy. I almost didn't need to rest at all.