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Places in TOWN

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You go there to play tennis or volleyball
a sports centre
There are a lot of tall _________ in this city.
Do you see that ___ over there?
What do you see?
a nursing home
Do you see that ____ _____?
apartment building
Do you see the ______?
What is this?
a castle
Do you see that ____ over there?
What is this?
a cemetery
What is this?
a bridge
What is this place?
Auto service / car repair shop / garage
Where are these women?
In a hair salon / hairdressers'
What is this place?
chemist / pharmacy
You go there to read or borrow books.
a (public) library
What do you see?
a restaurant
What is this place?
What's the place?
What is this?
a market
What do you see?
a post-office
What's the place?
Police station
What place is this?
Shopping mall
What is this place?
Where are they?
In a supermarket
What is this?
a fast food outlet
Children go there to learn to read and write and do maths.
a school
What do you see?
a hospital
What's the place?
What do you see?
a train station
Where are the people?
in a museum
What is this?
a petrol station (US: gas station)
What is this place?
You wait here for the bus.
a bus stop
You go there to buy books.
You go there to get money.
What do you see?
Here you can watch films and eat popcorn!
Cinema / Movie theatre