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Area, Factors and Multiples, and Ratios, oh my!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the LCM of 8, 12, and 20?
I have a rectangular house in minecraft that I want to floor with dark oak planks. The floor is 15 blocks by 22 blocks. I currently have 28 dark oak planks in my inventory. How many more will I need to cover the floor?
302 more blocks
I made a playlist with 5 sad songs, 12 dancing songs, and 8 calming songs. What is the ratio of sad songs to the other songs?
5 to 20
Mr. Chapman uses 3 rings for every scale he weaves into his armor. If he has woven 20 scales into his armor, how many rings did he use?
60 rings
There are 15 dogs and 7 cats at a shelter. What is the ratio of cats to animals at the shelter?
7 to 22
The ratio of sugar to flour in a recipe is 2 cups to every 5 cups. If I used 12 cups of sugar in my recipe, how much flour should I use?
30 cups of flour
What is the LCM of 3, 8, and 4?
What is the GCF of 148 and 272?
What is the LCM of 12 and 8?
What is the GCF of 50 and 100?
What is the LCM of 10 and 15?
If each sticker on a rubix cube represents 1 square unit, how many square units are found on the entire surface of the rubix cube pictured?
96 units²
Find the surface area of the rectangular prism.
Find the surface area of the square pyramid:
Find the surface area of the triangular prism:
Find the area of the figure:
315 units²
Find the area of the shaded figure:
Find the area of the figure:
63 units²
Find the area of the shaded figure:
44 units²
Find the area of the figure: