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Thanksgiving Riddles

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bowls and plates are on the table. Skip me and you’ll be thinner. Finish me if you’re able, I’m Thanksgiving ____.
Bake me in the turkey, or cook me in a pan. Cornbread or bread cubes are my thing to feed the entire clan. I am the ____.
I get quite hot when I bake. Can you smell the turkey you put in? I can also cook a pie or cake, because I am an ____.
I come late in the year, two months after September. By then, the air is cold and clear. I am ____.
The turkey was roasted and ready, now it was up to Uncle Marv. It smells delicious said Betty, time to get the knife and ____.
I pulled away from the dock, and sailed with wind power. Then I landed on a rock. I am the ____.
I look a little like Jello, I’m red all across. I’m made from a berry you know. I am _____ _____.
cranberry sauce
I look a bit like a potato, but orange-colored I am. In a casserole I go, because I am a ____.
I have silk inside my wrapping. From a stalk I am torn. On a husk my kernels cling, I’m known as calico _____.
We crossed the ocean with sails, singing our hymns. We braved storms and gales, we are _____.
On the table I go, don’t spill any broth. I might stain you know, I’m a ___ .
On your head I go, just like that. I have a buckle you know, because I‘m a pilgrim’s ____.
Plastic or ceramic, I held what you ate. Round, shiny and slick, I am your _____.
The wind makes me flop, scaring birds so they go. I protect the corn crop, I am a _____.
Yellow, orange, red and brown. The time I’m colored is brief. The wind will blow me all around. I’m an autumn _____.
Up high in a tree, a nut I may hurl. I chatter you see, because I am a _____.
I'm a boy, it's true, a child of your mother. I'll play with you, because I am your ____.
I hang high in the tree, with shell that is shut. After I fall, you'll crack me, because I am a _____.
Inside, I am white, a round vegetable that grows. I can be fluffy and light. I'm mashed _______.
I have a nice brown crust. Give apple or pumpkin a try. Whipped cream is a must. because I am a _______.
My top is quite flat. There's a spot for Aunt Mabel. I have a cloth or mat, I am a ____.
I talk gently to my cow, so I don't alarm her. I'll do the milking now because I am a _______.
When I walk, my wattle's a bit jerky. I gobble to talk, because I am a ____.
I grow on the ground. You carry me in. I'm orange and round, I am a ______.