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Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives

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Name the ADJECTIVE(s): Albie likes sweet delicious Hershey kisses.
sweet, delicious
Name the ADJECTIVE(S): I saw big colorful fireworks in Jack's backyard.
big, colorful
Name the ADJECTIVE(S): Zacky has an adorable and sweet dog.
adorable and sweet
Name the verb(s): Hadar sleeps in a soft bed.
Name the VERB(S): Grace colors beautiful pictures.
Name the VERB(S): Zak can jump high on the trampoline.
Name the NOUNS: The kids went to the park.
kids, park
Name the NOUNS : Morah Tori has a dog.
Morah Tori, dog
Name 3 Verbs
Name 3 Adjectives
Name 3 nouns