Edit Game
Basic - Review 2

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Answer the question: Where are you from?
I am from ...
Answer the question: How old are you?
I am ... years old.
Answer the question: How are you?
I am...
Answer the question: What's your last name?
My last name is...
Say 5 colors in English.
Red, blue, brown, white, black...
How do you say "chaves" in English?
How do you say "dicionário" in English?
How do you say "guarda-chuva" in English?
How do you say "relógio" in English?
Say in English: Eles estão felizes?
Are they happy?
Say in English: Ele está triste?
Is he sad?
Say in English: Você é baixo?
Are you short?
Say in English: Eles não são ricos.
They aren't rich.
Say in English: Isso não é caro.
It isn't expensive.
Say in English: Ela não é alta.
She isn't tall.
Complete with the verb to be: We _______ from Brazil.
Complete with the verb to be: I ______ happy.
Complete with the verb to be: It ______ cold.
Complete with the verb to be: They ______ hungry.
Complete with the verb to be: She _____ a student.
How do you say "um lápis" in English?
a pencil
How do you say "uma laranja" in English?
an orange
How do you say "uma maçã" in English?
an apple
How do you say "um livro" in English?
a book
How do you say "janela" in English?
How do you say "caderno" in English?
How do you say "borracha" in English?
How do you say "caneta" in English?