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Feathers: Not Just for Flying

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me an example of "prey"
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What is the main idea of "Feathers: Not Just for Flying"?
Birds have feathers for many different reasons.
What is the plural for the word "wish"?
What word forms a plural by adding "-s"?
What is the plural form of "notice"? Spell it.
What is the plural form of "morning"? Spell it.
What is the plural form of "fox"? Spell it.
What word means "very easily broken"?
What word means "an animal hunted by others for food"?
What word means "set of connected things"?
What word means "short and rough"?
What word means "related to the shape or outline of something"?
Why are feathers like snowshoes?
Birds grow a think layer of feathers on top of their toes.
Why are feathers like a sled?
Birds pack their feathers to make it easy to slide across snow.
Why are feathers like a fishing sinker?
Feathers have a special oil that makes them waterproof and makes it easy to dive under water.
Why are feathers like a life jacket?
Birds trap air between their feathers to help them stay on top of the water.
Why are feathers like a forklift?
Birds carry grass or leaves in their feathers.
Why are feathers like a backhoe?
Feathers are made to make homes by digging tunnels.
Why are feathers like fancy jewelry?
Feathers are bright & beautiful.
Why are feathers like a whistle?
Feathers with ridges rub against feathers with stiff curved tips, and makes a squeaky sound.
Why are feathers like camoflauge?
Feathers blend in with the forest's trees.
Why are feathers like a bullfighter's cape?
Feathers distract enemies by flashing bright white feathers.
Why are feathers like a scrub brush?
Feathers have brittle tips that crumble that take away dirt.
Why are feathers like a sponge?
Birds soak up water and carry it to the nest where the babies drink it.
Why are feathers like an umbrella?
Feathers block out reflections from the sky to help catch fish from the water.
Why are feathers like a pillow?
Feathers cushion the birds eggs and keep them warm.
Why are feathers like a blanket?
Birds stays warm by fluffing up its feathers.