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What's the Follow-Up Question?

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Do you like my purple hair?
Spencer ALWAYS cheats when we play games.
My mom will NEVER let me get a phone.
I'm scared to go to the dentist today!
I hate it when Xavier plays kickball with us at recess.
I just spilled my milk all over my pants!
That kid over there is crying!
Oh no! My shoe broke!
We're going camping this weekend!
I had a terrible morning.
Hot lunch was gross today.
The leprechaun messed up our classroom when we were at lunch!
That math test was really hard!
That speech therapist is awesome! I love going to speech!
The teacher said we are getting a new student tomorrow.
I didn't want to stop writing today when the bell rang!
My brother and I were late for school today.
My baby brother totally messed up my room when I was at school yesterday.
My family is going on vacation next week.
We are having pajama day tomorrow!
We are getting a new rescue dog!!
We are having a substitute teacher today.
My baby brother went to the hospital yesterday.
I have dance class tonight!
We are moving to a new house.
I lost a tooth this morning!
My dad's car broke down on the way to school.
I lost my glasses.
We're having a babysitter Saturday night.
My mom got a new job!
My sister is going to have a baby!
I wish we had pastry class today.
I really don't like McDonalds.
That was the best book I ever read!
My sister got in big trouble last weekend.
My cousins are coming over!
My teacher gave us a LOT of homework.
You missed my birthday party!
My grandpa took me bowling.
I saw a great movie last night.
I have a soccer game after school.