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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Sarah and James have to go to school on Saturdays.
Do they?
Tom wants to help us,
Does he?
I love you!
Do you?
My mum doesn't like strawberries.
Doesn't she?
My sister goes to bed at 10.
Does she?
My new classmate is very handsome.
Is he?
My parents aren't at home at the moment.
Aren't they?
My friends are going to study law.
Are they?
He is going to visit us.
Is he?
I didn't use to wear black clothes.
Didn't you?
This book is very boring.
Is it?
My dog is crazy!
Is it?
I can't ride a bike.
Can't you?
I am very hungry.
Are you?
I won't help you!
Won't you?
I will marry Mike.
Will you?
I have just finished my homework.
Have you?
I haven't read this book.
Haven't you?
I have been to Greece twice,
Have you?
I made dinner yesterday.
Did you?
I used to wear glasses.
Did you?
My sister doesn't read books.
Doesn't she?
She can swim.
Can she?
I've got a dog.
Have you?
I didn't use to like my teacher,
Didn't you?
I hate pizza.
Do you?