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How COULD we help to raise money?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There was a huge fire and many kids need some fresh clothes
We could donate some of our unused clothes to them
We'd like to make a charity event to help poor children
We could cook some food and give them for free to the poor kids
We'd like to make a project to decorate our school for 17 August event
We could make small flags and hang it around the school
Where can I send a letter of suggestion for our fundraising event?
You could send it to your teacher / principal
Where could we get the materials for baking?
you could go to a supermarket
how could we tell people about our event?
we could make a poster / give brochures
There are some car-washing tools we can use
We could wash some cars and get money
Mr. Awi and Mr. Bima is going to join our fundraising
They could sell their painting
Jonas is good at singing
He could sing at a party to get money
We love cooking
You could sell your food
A basket ball team wants to raise money for a charity.
they could make a basket ball shooting game
A group of choir kids want to raise money for a charity
They could hold a choir concert
Nickhun is an excellent photographer
He could sell his photography service.
Peter is a good story teller for young kids.
He could make a story telling mini concert for kids.
Suzy is an excellent baker
she could sell cakes.