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Advanced: Perfect Aspect

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He didn't know about the exam. You _____ (should tell) him about it.
He didn't know about the exam. You should have told him about it.
Tony was the only one in the room, so he _____ (must steal) my phone.
Tony was the only one in the room, so he must have stolen my phone.
The detective concluded that James _____ (can not commit) the murder, as he was on a plane at the time.
The detective concluded that James couldn't have committed the murder, as he as on a plane at the time.
She had a vague memory of _____ (see) him somewhere before.
She had a vague memory of having seen him somewhere before.
I apologize for _____ (not be) here earlier.
I apologize for not having been here earlier.
I'm not aware of _____ (break) any law.
I'm not aware of having broken any law.
I'd like _____ (sit) there when she came in.
I'd like to have been sitting there when she came in.
Shakespeare is believed _____ (travel) in Italy.
Shakespeare is believed to have travelled in Italy.
I expect _____ (finish) everything by tomorrow.
I expect to have finished everything by tomorrow.
We're sorry _____ (not see) the cathedral.
We're sorry not to have seen the cathedral.
I'm pleased _____ (meet) you at the conference last month.
I'm pleased to have met you at the conference last month.
By next summer, I _____ (finish) my degree.
By next summer, I'll have finished my degree.
On the 10th of this month, I _____ (live) here for exactly two years.
On the 20th of this month, I'll have been living / will have lived here for exactly two years.
Granny _____ (make) Solyanka, so she offered me some when I arrived.
Granny had made Solyanka, so she offered me some when I arrived.
Granny _____ (make) Gulas, so her house smelled wonderful when we arrived.
Granny had been making Solyanka, so her house smelled wonderful when we arrived.
I _____ (consider) naming our child Anastasia until my sister gave the name to her daughter.
I had been considering naming our child Anastasia until my sister gave the name to her daughter.
Joe told me our team _____ (only score) twice. I though we _____ (win).
Joe told me our team had only scored twice. I thought we'd won.
Susan didn't have the money because she _____ (already spend) it.
Susan didn't have the money because she'd already spent it.
We went to his office, but he _____ (leave).
We went to his office, but he'd left.
Granny _____ (make) borsch. Would you like some?
Granny has made borsch. Would you like some?
Granny _____ (boil) cabbage, that's why it smells so bad in here.
Granny has been boiling cabbage, that's why it smells so bad in here.
He _____ (call) four times, and he _____ (ask) for you each time.
He's called four times, and he's asked for you each time.
It _____ (rain) a lot recently.
It's been raining a lot recently.
I _____ (call) her all day, but she never picks up.
I've been calling her all day, but she never picks up.
The neighbor's dog _____ (bark) for over an hour!
The neighbor's dog has been barking for over an hour!
_____ (you wait) long?
Have you been waiting long?
They _____ (repair) our street, and it _____ (cause) many traffic problems.
They've been repairing our street, and it has been causing lots of problems.
I _____ (not be) to an opera, but I _____ (see) one on TV.
I haven't been to an opera, but I've seen one on TV.
This is the best coffee I _____ (ever taste).
This is the best coffee I've ever tasted.
I _____ (work) here since 2015.
I have worked / have been working here since 2015.
How long _____ (you work) here?
How long have you worked / have you been working here?