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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bixby Alexander Tam loves what animal?
Thor the skunk
Who does Mr. Wolf plan to free?
200 dogs from the pound
What happened to Raymie's father?
He left town with a dental hygienist
Who do Archer, Adelaide and Oliver set out to rescue?
Archer Helmsley's grandparents
Who was know as "Minty"
Araminta Ross- Harriet Tubman
What is built in Gerta's city?
The Berlin Wall
What are Norah, Shoshanna, George and Brianna trying to do?
Save Emerson Elementary
Who bullies Annabelle?
Betty Glengarry
Who was an ex-olympic medalist?
Coach (Ghost)
What does TOAST stand for?
Theory Of All Small Things
Whose sister Neon wears all black?
What are Salma and Lilly doing for Lilly's grandfather?
Painting Bee Boxes
What is Rose Howard obsessed with?
Who wrangles an armadillo?
Calpurnia Tate
Where did Daniel and Erica used to live?
Which book uses the "Golden Shovel"?
One Last Word
Who is Nandu's mother?
Devi Kali (the elephant)
Who is Gwenforte?
A greyhound dog
What is Aurora exploring?
What is Yawnee Valley best know for?
Who lives in Surprise, Nebraska?
Perry T. Cook (and his mother)
Whose class always read "The Hobbit"?
Ms. Bixby's
Who is named after a character on the Brady Bunch?
Cindy (Zomorod)
Who lives at Avalon?
Whose brother played for the L.A. Dodgers?
Pedro Martinez