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Hispanic Heritage Trivia

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What is the Dominican Republic's signature plantain dish?
Which of these countries is not located in Cental America: Belize, Haiti, Honduras or Nicaragua?
Four hundred years ago, large beans found growing near the capital of South American country were named after that city. What is the name of the beans and the country?
Lima beans; Peru
What musical instrument, popular in Cuba, consists of two tuned drums bound together and played with the hands?
A bongo
What is the Spanish word for a thin, round pancake, usually made from cornmeal?
Which of these bodies of water does not border Mexico: the Atlantic Ocean, the Gulf of California, the Mediterranean Sea or the Pacific Ocean?
The Mediterranean Sea
The longest and narrowest country in the world is found in South America. What is the name of this country?
The cities of Acapulco, Juarez, and Tijuana are found in which Latin American country?
Guacamole is often served south of the border. What is the main ingredient in this popular Mexican dish?
The longest mountain range in the world is found in South America. What are the mountains in this range called?
The Andes
What name is given to a festive container made of clay or cardboard, decorated with colored paper, filled with candy and toys, and broken during celebrations?
What is the name of the first Hispanic woman to serve as a Supreme Court Justice?
Sonia Sotomayor
Which Argentine soccer player plays for FC Barcelona, where he has won ten La Liga titles?
Lionel Messi
What is the name of a Peruvian dish made of fresh, raw fish cured in citrus juices?
What are the two main ingredients in this popular Hispanic dish?
Rice and beans
What is the name of one of the best-known Latino Streets in Miami?
La Calle Ocho
This dish is often used as a topping for tacos and other Mexican and Mexican-American foods, as well as a dip for tortilla chips.
Which Cuban singer, known as the "Queen of Salsa," released hits such as "La vida es un carnaval" and "Quimbara."
Celia Cruz