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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you say in English "rozczarowany"?
How do you say in English "umówione spotkanie"?
How do you say in English "Łatwiej powiedzieć niż zrobić"?
How do say in English "Lepiej późno niż wcale"?
How do you say in English "Prawdziwego przyjaciela poznajemy w biedzie, potrzebie"
How do you say in English "Trening czyni mistrza"?
What's the currency (money) in your country?
What’s your favourite drink?
What do you want to be when you grow up?
What is your dream holiday destination?
Describe your bedroom?
What languages can you speak?
Do you remember your father’s birthday?
Do you remember your mother’s birthday?
Can you swim?
How much money do you have with you now?
Which is more expensive Iphone or Redmi?
What did you get for Christmas last year?
What is the title of the book you are reading?
Do you prefer chocolate or strawberry ice cream?
Which day of the week do you like most?
What would you like to drink?
What would you like to eat?
Are you hungry now?
What colour are your eyes?
How many hearts does an octopus have?
Why is six afraid of seven?
What do you call a nose with no body?
What is the longest river in your country?
What class are you in?
Where do you live?
Do you have any brothers or sisters?
Do you like school?
Have you ever eaten broccoli?
What time do you usually wake up on Saturdays?
What’s your mother’s name?
Have you ever been to Germany?
Did you you listen to some music yesterday?
What’s your favourite sport?
Is your dad taller than you?
Who’s your best friend?
What’s your favourite social media platform?
Did you buy something yesterday?
What are you doing after school today?
What time did you wake up today?
Did you sleep well?
Do you watch TV ever day?
What’s your phone number?
When’s your birthday?
Where were you born?
How are you today?