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P.3 WS(1-4) Simple Past Tense Irregular Verbs

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Correct or wrong? Correct the mistake if it's wrong.) My family and I built an enormous sandcastle at the beach last weekend.
Read and spell: What is the past tense of 'read'?
Last Sunday, Gabriel _______ (dig) a hole to bury his sister in the sand.
(Correct or wrong? Correct the mistake if it's wrong.) I catched an enormous fish last time I went fishing.
catch -> caught
What is the past tense of plural 'be'?
What is the past tense of singular 'be'?
The movie was very boring. Andrew _______ (sleep) through the whole thing!
Form a sentence with the following words. You may need to change the verb form. dress up in / I / last Halloween / . / dinosaur costume
I dressed up in dinosaur costume last Halloween.
Read and spell: What is the past tense of 'stand'?
Read and spell: What is the past tense of 'do'?
Emily and Jean ______ (eat) fish balls for snack yesterday.
I _______ (take) my dog out for a walk in the park last night.
(Correct or wrong? Correct the mistake if it's wrong.) Did you saw the sharks when you were snorkelling?
(Correct or wrong? Correct the mistake if it's wrong.) My brother was upset last night because he lose his Frisbee.
Form a sentence with the following words. You may need to change the verb form. a huge breakfast / I / this morning / eat / .
I ate a huge breakfast this morning.
Camille and her friends _______ (go) to Ocean Park three days ago.
I ______ (find) beautiful sea creatures when I went snorkeling last time.
Name two time expressions for simple past tense.
yesterday, last week, last month, one week ago (accept suitable answers)
Which tense do you use when you talk about actions that are completed in the past?
simple past tense
Read and spell: What is the past tense of 'say'?