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Povej, da že celo dopoldne kličeš Davida. Klical si ga že 10krat do sedaj, a se še ni oglasil.
I've been calling David the whole morning. I've called him 10times so far, but he hasn't answered.
Povej, da ne dežuje že 3 ure, ampak le 1 uro. Deževati je začelo ob 10h.
It hasn't been raining for 3 hours, only for one hour. It started raining at 10 o'clock.
Povej, da je Ben počistil kuhinjo in da je vse čisto.
Ben's cleaned the kitchen. Everything's clean now.
Povej, da se zadnje čase veliko učiš, ker si želiš dobre ocene.
I've been studying a lot lately because I want to get good grades.
Povej, da si izgubil svojo denarnico in vse dokumente.
I've lost my wallet and all my documents.
Povej, da imaš svojega psa že 3 leta in da ga danes še nisi peljal na sprehod.
I've had my dog for 3 years. I haven't taken him out for a walk today yet./I haven't walked it today yet.
Povej, da je Sarah spila 10 kozarcev vode do sedaj.
Sarah has drunk 10 glasses of water so far.
Povej, da že cel dan bereš knjigo. Prebral si že 80 strani.
I've been reading a book the whole day. I've read 80 pages so far.
Vprašaj nekoga, koliko časa že čaka na avtobus.
How long have you been waiting for the bus / How long have you waited for the bus?
Povej, da tvoji prijatelji še niso bili v tujini.
My friends haven't been abroad yet.
Povej, da se Maja uči biologijo že cel teden in da se še ni vsega naučila.
Maja has been studying Biology the whole week. She hasn't learnt everything yet.
Povej, da se je tvoj brat pravkar vrnil s Havajev.
My brother has just returned/has just come back from Hawaii.
Vprašaj nekoga, kolikokrat je že bil v Nemčiji.
How many times have you been to Germany?
Povej, da še nikoli nisi jedel sušija.
I've never eaten sushi.
Povej, da je Henry danes pojedel 5 čokoladic.
Peter has eaten 5 chocolate bars today.
Povej, da se Peter že 5 let uči japonščino. Naučil se je že veliko.
Peter has been studying Japanese for 5 years. He's learnt a lot so far.
Vprašaj nekoga, koliko časa že dela v tej tovarni.
How long have you been working in this factory?/How long have you worked in this factory?
Povej, da tvoja mama že celo jutro čisti vaše stanovanje. Počistila je šele 3 prostore.
My mum has been cleaning our flat the whole morning. She has cleaned only 3 rooms so far.
Povej, da so tvoji prijatelji pretekli že 10 km. Začeli so teči ob 9h zjutraj.
My friends have run 10 km so far. They started running at 9 o'clock in the morning.