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/s/ articulation

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use the word "slippery" in a sentence.
correct production of /s/
Say the word "carelessly" five times, slowly.
correct production of /s/
Say the word "telescope" five times, slowly.
correct production of /s/
Use the word "lost"in a sentence.
correct production of /s/
Use the word "hospital" in a sentence.
correct production of /s/
Use the word "risk" in a sentence.
correct production of /s/
You can ___ your teacher a question.
Say "magnifying glass" 5 times, slowly.
correct production of /s/
Use "peace" in a sentence.
correct production of /s/
Use "address" in a sentence.
correct production of /s/
Use "spell" in a sentence.
correct production of /s/
Candy is _____.
sweet, delicious
When you get hot, you often ___ (starts with s)
Make up a sentence with the word "octopus" in it.
correct production of /s/
A fun game to play with a ball with the /s/ sound in it.
soccer, basketball, baseball
You need to wash your hands with ___.
I'm not happy, I am ___.
The turtle is not fast, it is ___.
Correct production of /s/
Make up a sentence with the word "furious" in it.
Correct production of /s/
Make up a sentence with the word "salad" in it. Say the sentence two times.
Correct production of /s/