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History unit one Sept 19

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is Catal HUYUK important?
men and women seemed to have been treated equally
They had a king
They had a queen
children rules over the adults
True or false: domestication improved survival.
What is another word for agriculture?
What defines the neolithic Era. the shift from _______ to __________
food gathering to food production
food production to food gathering
eating cold food to hot food
What is a trend?
a pattern of behavior
a storm
an animal that hunts at night
none of these
The process of making animals and plants more useful is called____
What part of the stone age was 10000 to 5000 years ago?
What are hunter-gather societies?
They followed animals and looked for food all around
What period did people use sharpened stones as tools?
none of these
What do early bones tell us ?
information about early humans and ancestors
How long ago was writing invented?
5000 years ago
4000 years ago
100000 years ago
1 mil years ago
What is our first ancestors
homo erectus is
stand upright
homo sapiens is
wise man
smart man
good looking man
not so smart man
What two things happened during the ice ages?
huge sheets of ice and water level dropped
rise in water level and decrease in land
a lot of snowmen
all the oceans froze over
How long ago were the ice ages?
1.6 mil years ago
1 mil years aog
1000 years ago
last year
How were canoes made?
hollow out logs
hallow out logs
What did early people use domestic animals for?
all of these
pulling tools like plows
carrying loads
What is the shift from Paleolithic to Neolithic?
shift from hunting -gathering to production
shift from production to gathering and hunting
shift to online shopping
none of these
What does barter mean?
to trade goods and services
to serve coffee at a bar
to row a boat
run a way
What did the early ancestors use for clothing?
animal skins and plant fibers
animal skins
plant fibers
If I have a surplus then I have_________
More than I need
less than I need
Just enough
none of these
True or false. megaliths are large elephant like prehistoric animals.
Where did our first ancestors get fire from?
What is one advantage of being able to make fire?
If I have woes then I have __________.
a car
What is immunity to a sickness?
natural protection against
weakness toward
not safe from
none of these
What is a permanent settlement?
a settlement that doesn't move
a village of people that follow the animals
temporary settlement that relocates seasonally
none of these
What word would best describe this picture?
If something is developed then it is ___________.
made worse
What word describes the picture?
domestication of agriculture means ___________
raise animals and crops in one place
travel around looking for animals and plants
follow the tracks of animals to locate them
none of these
If I domesticate an animal then it is ___________
If they hollowed out a tree to make a boat then they ______________.
removed the inside of the trunk
cut it up in to pieces
chopped down tree
tied it together so it would float
If there are scarce resources then they are _______________.
very few resources
a lot of resources
an abundance of resources
numerous resources
A fatality is a ___________.
a death
a life
a sickness
a cure
What does this mean, "smallpox was fatal to the Cherokee."
They died from smallpox
They took medicine for smallpox
smallpox affected only the children
They had immunity to smallpox
What does it mean to say "they followed big game."
They chased big animals to hunt
They played giant monopoly with animal pieces
They played giant jenga with logs
They watched games on TV
What kind of houses did the first people live in?
all of these
hut of skins
shelter made from bones
hut of stone or wood
If I lived in a pit house, then I would live _______________.
in a hole
in a tree
hut made of bones
hut made with skins
Why did people migrate?
climate change and for food
leisure and fun
it was an accident
They were being hunted
The Ice ages are called ice ages because it was ____________
very very cold
very very hot
very very dry
it had good ice cream
What does a land bridge do?
it connects two continents
It seperates two continents
It is under the water
None of these
Migrate is to ______ as halt is to stop
stand still