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Review of tenses

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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- Oh, hello Sally. I can’t talk now. I’m at work. - No problem. I_____________________ (call) you back this evening.
will call
- I’m a bit nervous about the injection, Doctor. - Don't worry. It______________ (not hurt).
won't hurt
Look at those black clouds! It__________________(rain).
is going to rain
Where ________you__________ (go) this summer? I ________________(go) on a trek in the Himalayas.
are you going, am going
Tonight Evan ______________________(play) football with his best friend, Christopher.
is playing
Yesterday I _______________(buy) a T-shirt and shorts.
Last night we ________________ (eat) pizza while we _________________ (listen) to the weather report.
were eating, were listening
Yesterday while I ________________ (feed) my dog Tigra, I ________________ (hear) another dog barking.
was feeding, heard
At the moment I _________________ (read) an interesting comic, I ______________________ (not/do) my homework.
am reading, am not doing
I ________________ (not/understand) what you are saying.
don't understand
- What _______you__________(do) when the boss came into your office? - Talking on the phone.
were you doing
What's the best film you ________________(ever/see)?
have ever seen
- My mobile isn't working. I don't know why. - Here! I __________(lend) you my phone.
will lend
- Who ________your brother___________(work) for? - For a computer software company. He's a sales manager.
does your brother work
- When ___________you _____________(leave) university? - Last year.
did you leave
- Can I read your newspaper? - Sorry. I ____________________(finish) it yet.
haven't finished
- How long __________you ____________(know) each other? - Since 2001. We met at university.
have you known