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ADV1_28 - Expressions with GO

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"He's practicing hard. He's _____ the record." - a) going to - b) going for
b) going for
"Last week I went swimming twice. This week I want to _____ and go three times." - a) go one step further- b) go one step back
a) go one step further
"The helicopter _____ over the North Sea." - a) go down - b) went down
b) went down
"_____, Dad! The show starts in five minutes." - a) Go faster - b) Go slower
a) Go faster
"He got to choose his own room in the new house, so _____ that he picked the best one." - a) it goes with saying - b) it goes without saying
b) it goes without saying
"Four days _____ and then we're on vacation!" - a) to go - b) to have gone
a) to go
"The party's _____ . Everyone's having fun." - a) went well - b) going well
b) going well
"everyone knows that" means what? - a) it goes without saying that - b) go one step further
a) it goes without saying that
"happen as you want" means what? - a) it goes without saying that - b) go well
b) go well
"increase speed" means what? - a) go faster - b) go down
a) go faster
"try to achieve" means what? - a) go well - b) go for
b) go for
"fall from the sky" means what? a) go down - b) go well
a) go down
"left / remaining" means what? - a) go down - b) ... to go
b) ... to go
"do something extra" means what? - a) go one step further - b) go for
a) go one step further