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School problem solving

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You've looked everywhere, but you can't find your backpack. You have all your schoolwork and homework inside, and you are worried you left it in the car at drop off..
During recess, you and your friends can't agree on which game to play. Some want to play tag, while others want to play soccer.
You open your lunchbox, and your favorite meal has spilled all over the inside of your bag. You're hungry and have no other food.
Your class is going on a fun field trip tomorrow, but you can't find the permission slip your parents were supposed to sign.
You've worked hard on your art project, but it accidentally gets torn while you're taking it to school. You are so worried about getting a bad grade on the damaged project.
You usually take the bus home from school, but today the bus schedule seems different, and you're not sure which bus to catch.
The night before the science fair, you discover that your science experiment isn't working as expected. You worked really hard on it, and you don't want to present a failed project.
You borrowed a library book a few weeks ago, but now it's nowhere to be found. The due date is approaching, and you don't want to be late returning it.
You're in the middle of a writing assignment when the classroom pencil sharpener breaks, and your pencil is now too dull to use.
Today is show-and-tell, and you forgot to bring something to share with the class. You're nervous and don't want to be the only one without an item.
Your best friend is upset with you because you accidentally spilled juice on their new notebook. You want to make things right, but they won't talk to you.
You have a big project due today, and you can't find your colored markers or scissors. They were in your pencil case, but now they're gone.
Your class has a pet hamster, you decide to take the hamster out and play with it. You put it back in the cage. 10 min later your friend notices the cage open and hamster missing!
You finish your math homework and put it in your backpack, but when you get to school the next day, it's not there. You have math class in an hour, and you need your homework to turn in.
During lunchtime, you notice that your lunchbox is missing from the cafeteria. You're hungry, and you can't find it anywhere.