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Answering WHY questions with GIFs

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is she wearing a costume?
Because it's Halloween/Because she is going trick or treating
Why is the dog surprised?
Because the person "disappeared"
Why do people water flowers?
so they will grow
Why do people wear masks?
To prevent getting sick/to prevent others from getting sick
Why do people use windshield wipers?
so they can see through the rain/snow/water
Why do we need keys?
To unlock doors/start the car
Why don't we go barefoot in the snow?
Because our feet would get cold.
Why don't cars have square wheels?
because they would not go
Why shouldn't we litter?
because we want to keep our environment clean, etc
Why can't people fly?
we don't have wings/etc
Why do we have elevators?
to go up/down, so people don't have to walk up so many stairs, for people who can't do stairs
Why do we have sidewalks?
so people can be safe/not walk in the street
Why should kids do their homework?
to learn, to improve, to get good grades, because the teacher told them to
Why do we need police officers?
to keep us safe
Why do people go fishing?
to get fish to eat/to have fun/to catch fish
Why do we have clocks?
so we know what time it is
Why do people exercise?
To stay healthy/to get in shape
Why do we use a grocery cart when shopping?
so we can carry all of our things
Why do we cross the street at the crosswalk?
So we can cross safely/not get hit by cars
Why do we need money?
to buy/pay for things
Why do children go to school?
to learn
Why do people climb a ladder?
to reach something high, to get on the roof/etc
Why do pencils have erasers?
so you can erase mistakes.
Why do babies have to ride in a carseat?
to keep them safe
Why shouldn't we run in the hallway?
So no one gets hurt/so we don't run into people
Why do people stir food on the stove?
So it doesn't burn/so it all gets cooked evenly/so it gets mixed up
Why do we peel a banana?
so we can eat it.
Why do people give each other flowers?
To show they care about them
Why do birds build a nest?
to have a place to lay eggs
Why do we wear a coat?
to stay warm
Why do we brush our teeth?
to keep our teeth healthy/clean/so we don't get cavities
Why do firefighters use a hose?
to put out the fires
Why do police give people tickets?
Because they are speeding/breaking the law/not being safe/to keep people safe
Why do people use blankets?
to stay warm
Why do we need a towel?
to dry off
Why do we use an umbrella?
To stay dry in the rain
Why do we wear seatbelts?
To stay safe in a car.
Why do we have stoplights?
To prevent accidents.
Why do people wear life jackets?
so they don't drown.
Why do we wear sunglasses?
Because the sun is so bright/to protect our eyes