Edit Game
Prepare Level 3

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's this?
A library
What's this?
A statue
What's this?
A mosque
What's this?
A cathedral
Is this a price or a prize?
It's a prize
What kind of game is pictionary?
A board game
Correct this: I want to be a friend of him
I want to be a friend of HIS.
Say 7 school subjects
Art, P.E., biology, chemistry, geography, history, language, maths, music, physics, Frenh.
What's this?
A fridge or refrigerator
Say 6 words related to space, for instance: black hole.
Planet, explosion, gravity, moon, space, star, universe, blue stars, supernova, nebula, sun.
What's this?
A tram
The person who lives next door is your...? N.....................r
Mention 8 words related to music, for instance: blues
Classical, drum, festival, folk, guitar, jazz, keyboards, pop, rap, rock, soul, trumpet, violin, piano, cello.
Say one plan for the future
You have to say one sentence with GOING TO
Say one prediction for the future.
You have to say a sentence with WILL
What's this?
It's a washing machine
What sport are these kids doing?
They're hiking.
Which one is correct? 1) This is my brother's dog. 2) This is my brothers' dog.
1) This is my brother's dog.
What's this?
It's a necklace
How many syllables does the name of this object have?
What are these?
They're envelopes
What does this car need?
What's this?
It's an engine
CORRECT IT: Do they saw an aeroplane?
Did they see...?
CORRECT IT: Did you bought these trousers?
Did you BUY....?
Do you PASS/APPROVE a test?
I swim OFTEN/LESS OFTEN than I did when I was younger.
less often
CORRECT IT: The weather was very well.
The weather was very good.
What's the superlative adverb of easily?
The most easily
What's the adverb of fast?
What's the adverb of careful?
What is the adverb of LOUD?
I like to watch swimming competitions because I'M SWIMMING/I SWIM too.
I swim
Which is the odd-one-out? meal - supper - lunch - breakfast
What's the name of this river?
River Thames
How do you say this symbol?
Where do you wash the plates?
In the sink
Say what this woman is in the hotel: G__ E__ __
She's a guest
What's her job? Give FULL answer or oops! She's................
She's a cook.
What's this?
It's a hurricane
Spell 12th
Spell 9th
What's the weather like?
It's foggy
What happened in this picture?
There was an earthquake
Which is the 8th month of the year?
How do you spell 30th?
How do you spell 20th?
What's this?
It's a lightning
How do you spell the plural of volcano?