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Summer Break Reverse Quiz

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Patrick/Boat/Tiger/Life of Pi
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Crowded train/Pushing
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Fireworks/New Years Eve
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Concert/Boy band/Waving hands
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Robin Hood/Green Hat/Confused
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Norway/Trick/Head Spin
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Pyramids/Egypt/ Mummy
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Hoti Color Festival/ Rainbow/ Powders
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Tourism/New York/Taking Pictures
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Prank/Oreo/Tooth Paste
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Zip Line/Canopy Tour/Jungle
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Dogs/Car/The Lady
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Theme park/Roller Coaster
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Pancakes/Maple Syrup/Butter
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Turkish Tea
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Summer Camp/ Hand Clapping
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Boat accident :o/ Flying Debris/Wave
Make a question with the picture as the answer.
Brazil :)/Football-Soccer/Goal