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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should I do If i don't feel well in class?
tell Ms Hauser
don't tell anyone
tough it out until the end of the day
go to the restroom and wait until school is over
Where is the nurse's office?
ground floor
first floor
cave or basement
on the roof
T or F: Please bookmark google classroom and other frequently used links.
True; bookmarks will make it quicker to access
When should I organize my back pack?
The night before school
in the morning before school
at school outside the classroom
in the car or bus on the way to school
T or F: I should always keep my binder organized,
True: please keep it neat and tidy
How often should I check google classroom?
When shoul dI start working on assignments?
The same day it is assigned
The day before it is due
The day after the assignment
wait until the last minute before working on it
During breaks students can be disruptive in hallway. T or F
False: please do not be disruptive in hallway; always be considerate of others
T or F: Students can go into Library and other classrooms during break.
T or F: After break, students can stay outside the classroom to finisih their conversation
False: Students need to be as desk and ready to work
What are breaks for?
all of these
filling water bottles
stretching, relaxing, talking to friends
What shoul dI do if I complete work early in class?
read a book or do other homework quietly
play Nintendo
talk loudly with other classmates
play games with other classmates
Homework should ________ follow directions and _______ written.
carefully, neatly
not, messily
T or F: All homework is to be done independently unless otherwise stated.
How and where should I write down homework assignments?
neatly and mindfully in my agenda
messily and carelessly in my agenda
neatly and mindfully on my hand
messily and carelessly on a post-it-note
How do I fidn out when and where to turn in work?
Listen carefully for directions
google the answer on the internet
ask my classmates
T or F: If I don't put my name on my work then it will not be accepted
What name should be on submitted work?
First and last name ( last name initial)
When I need to leave the classroom, I need to _______ to be dismissed and go _________ to and from destination.
ask, directly
When should I use the bathroom and refill water bottles?
during lunch and break
in the middle of class time
anytime I want
What is the QUIET signal for everyone to be quiet and focus?
Ms. Hauser will raise her hand in front of Class
Ms Hauser will scream really loud to get attention
Ms Hauser will use her nerf gone on students
Ms Hauser will Jump up and down and make nosie
T or F: A meeting with parents or a note to parents is a possible sanction for classroom misbehaviour.
T or F: I may have to do classroom chores if I don't follow rules
If I misbehave and don't follow rules, I may have to ____________.
write a letter of apology
write an essay
write a short story
write a poem
Which are some sanctions for misbehaving and not following rules?
all of these
no break
classroom chores
note to parents
Which are some rewards for good classroom behavior?
free time at the end of class and seating prefernce
time to play Nintendo switch
No homework for a month
I can run in the halls screaming
What language should I speak during English classroom lessons?
I should _________ carefully and ________ Ms. Hauser's instructions.
listen, follow
not listen, not follow
In class, I am expected to _______ my hand and _______ to be called on by teacher.
raise, wait
In class, I am expected to not be ___________ by talking while others talk.
In class, I am expected to _________ on lessons.
When geting into groups, I should always_________
all of these
focus and complete task efficiently
always include everyone in group
listen carefully and follow instructions
T or F: I should always be proactive when it comes to homework and projects?
True: Don't wait but communicate and ask the teacher
Who should I communicate with about missed handouts, work, or assesments?
Ms Hauser
My Nintendo Switch
If I am absent, what should I do about missed work?
get it from google classroom or from Ms Hauser
nothing, don;'t worry about it
get another student to do my homework
skip it
If I am in the hall way waiting, how should I wait?
quietly against the wall
running up and down the wall
stand at door looking through window
standing against wall and be loud
At the end of class what should I do?
clean up and wait by desk to be released
leave a mess and run out of the room
stand on top of my desk
at the door
What should I look at when I enter the classroom?
at the board for instructions for the day
in a mirror
in my classmates agenda
nowhere but keep eyes closed
I should always enter the classroom ______ and in _______ fashion.
calm and polite
rushed and rude
agitated and mean spirited
quickly and nervously
T or F: I should enter the classroom calm and polite fashion
When should I be in my desk?
on time when the bells ring
late and after the bell rings
never before noon
6 am