Edit Game
Present Continuous

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look! The sun _____ (shine)
is shining
Hurry up! The bus ___(come)
is coming
I'm so hungry. I ____ (eat) spaghetti now.
am eating
Tom and Peter ____ (not/play) football.
aren't playing
_____(they / study) mathematics now ?
Are they studying...
___ it ____ (rain) outside now ?
Is/ raining
He ____ (open) the window at the moment.
is opening
We ____ (not/watch) football match now.
aren't watching
___ it ___at this moment? (snow)
Is/ snowing
Listen! The phone ____ (ring)
is ringing
You (not/do) your homework. You are sleeping.
aren't doing
Laura ______ (make) a cup of tea.
is making
____ the chef ___ in the kitchen now?(cook)
Is / cooking
I ____ (swim) in the pool at this time.
am swimming
Anita and John _______ (sing) a song at this moment.
are singing
He _____ ( drink) a cup of coffee.
is drinking
What is the baby doing? He _____ (cry)
is crying
The dog (run) after the cat now.
is running
They ____ (open) the window at the moment.
are opening
Peter _____ (write) a book now.
is writing