Edit Game
SH, CH, J articulation conversation game

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should you do if your computer is low on battery power?
use words: charge, charger
How do you take care of your hair?
use words: shampoo, wash, brush
What are some really fast animals?
use words: cheetah, ostrich
How do you make a s'more?
use words: marshmallow
What could you do at a bank?
use words: cash, check
Tell about the troll in the Three Billy Goats Gruff story.
use words: bridge
What is the gingerbread man's story?
use words: gingerbread, chase, catch
Who might be in a court room?
use words: Jury, judge
Who might you see at school?
use words: teachers, children
What could you do if you didn't want hot lunch?
use words: lunch, lunchbox, sandwich, cold lunch
How could you pay for something when you are shopping?
use words: shopping, cashier, cash register, charge card, check, cash
How do you make a cheeseburger?
use words: cheese, ketchup
How could you talk to someone on your phone if you had laryngitis?
use words: message, laryngitis, chat
When would you dial 911?
use words: emergency, crash, situation
Tell how you go fishing.
Use words: fish, fishing, catch
Tell how to play Go Fish.
target words: match, fish
Tell where baby chicks come from.
use words words: chicken, chick, hatch
Tell how to jump rope.
use words: jump, jump rope, jumping
Tell how to wash your hair.
use words: wash, shampoo
Tell what it's like going to the beach at the ocean.
use words: beach, shovel, shore, shells, ocean
Tell what babies might do in a bathtub.
use words: splash, wash
What's the difference between garbage and recyclables?
use words: trash, garbage
Tell the story of the Grinch who Stole Christmas.
Use words: Grinch
How do you teach your dog to fetch?
use words: teach, fetch, train
How do you play baseball?
use words: pitch, catch, pitcher, catcher
What can you put on a sandwich?
use words: cheese, sandwich, jelly, jam
What can you learn about in math?
use words: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions
How do you play sharks & minnows?
use words: sharks, catch
What can you make out of potatoes?
use words: mashed, french, chips
What can you do with playdoh?
use words: smash, squish, mash, push
How do you play chutes and ladders?
use words: chute or chutes
How do you play Hi-Ho Cherry-O?
use words: cherries