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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We've got too...............snacks for the party. We have very ....................apple juice, too.
The fridge is full: there are ....................eggs and there's..........................meat
a lot of/ a lot of
I also eat too.....................sweets
You've used too.....................red pepper in this meal.
Why don't we buy .......................cartons of orange juice for the party>
a few
I eat ........................apples and orages. I want to be healthy.
a lot of
We've got too ..............flour to make this cake.
He only drinks.........................tea beacuse he prefers mineral water or apple juice
a little
How................meals should you have during the day?
There ate.................vegetables that he can eat because of his allergy
I' really hungry. I only ate...........................salad for lunch. (trochę)
a little
I try to use very........................salt (mało)
He drinks too.......................coffee
Would you like ........................mustard with your hot dog?
a little
I sometimes eat chocolate, but not too.....................
There are.................good restaurants in the town centre
a few
We've got a lot of mineral water, but very.................orange juice
He doesn't like his coffee too sweet, so he only takes .....................sugar
a little
There are too...................vegetables to make a salad
She doesn't eat meat, but she eats..........................fish
a lot of
How......................sandwiches do you usually have for dinner?