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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your aunt gives you a pair of socks for Christmas when you asked for a phone instead. How do you feel that you received a gift that you did not ask for? What should you say to your aunt?
You should still say thank you for the gift.
You have an important show that you are performing in. You invite all of your friends to come watch. When you are up on stage, you see that none of them came. How does this make you feel?
You give your best friend a gift for her birthday. When she opens it, she screams and has a big smile on her face. Do you think she liked your gift or did not like your gift?
She liked your gift.
During lunch, your friend dropped their food all over the floor. Some of the other students began to laugh and point at him. His face turned red and it looked like he was about to cry. What was he feeling and why does he feel that way?
He is embarrassed because the other students were laughing at him.
You are watching a horror movie with your sister one night. When you look over at her, you notice that she has the blankets pulled over her face. Why do you think she did that?
She is scared of the movie.
Some of your classmates are telling you lies about your friends. How does this make you feel and what would you do?
Your friend is giving a speech in class. You notice that he is sweating, his face is turning red, and his voice sounds shaky. What do you think he is feeling? Why do you think he feels this way?
He is nervous because he has to give a speech.
While working on classwork, you see your classmate tapping their pencil, they have their hand on their head, and they are looking around the classroom for the teacher. What do you think is happening? What do you think they are feeling?
They are looking for help. They feel confused.
Someone said that they did not like your outfit today. How does that make you feel? What do you say to them?
Tell them that the comment was not something nice to say.
At the grocery store, you can hear a customer yelling at the cashier because of the price of items. What is the customer feeling? How do you think the cashier feels after being yelled at?
The customer is angry. The cashier is sad because they are getting yelled at.
Some of your classmates are not listening to your teacher. You see that your teacher rolled her eyes. Why did she roll her eyes at your classmates?
She is frustrated that they are not paying attention.
You see that your friend is sad. What is something that they could be sad about? What makes you think that he is sad?
You come home from school and notice that your sister is in a bad mood. What would her facial expression look like?
While you are giving a speech in front of your class, you notice a girl that is pointing and laughing at you. How does this make you feel?
I could feel mad or embarrassed.
Your mom surprises you with a trip to Universal Studios. You told her that you did not want to go there, but would rather go to Disneyland instead. How do you think this makes your mom feel?
She might feel sad that you do not want to go on the trip she planned for you.
You ask your mom if you can go to the movie theaters. She says no because she has too much cleaning to do in the house. How does this make you feel? What could you do so that you can still go to the movies?
I can feel mad or frustrated that she said no. I could offer to help her clean the house.
After school you hand out an invitation to your birthday party to everyone in your class except one boy. When you are leaving school you see him crying to his mom. Why do you think the boy was crying? What could you do or say to him?
He is crying because he did not get an invitation.
You are playing a board game with your friends. One of your friends loses their turn. He screams really loud and his face begins to turn red. What do you think he is feeling and why is he feeling that way?
He is mad because he lost a turn.
You were at school and running down the hallway. As you run past a teacher she gives you a look. What kind of look do you think your teacher had on her face? What do you think you should do?
She was mad that you were running in the hallway. You should walk instead.