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Gold B2 first unit 1 - Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use the word given and 2 to 5 words to make both sentences similar. - (1) I disliked my boyfriends taste in music. USE (2) I ____ my boyfriends taste in music.
didn't use to like
Use the word given and 2 to 5 words to make both sentences similar. - (1) I'm not like my grandfather. AFTER (2) I ____ my grandfather.
don't take after
Use the word given and 2 to 5 words to make both sentences similar. - (1) Her career was an instant success as soon as she appeared on TV. TOOK (2) Her career ____ as soon as she appeared on TV.
took off
Use the word given and 2 to 5 words to make both sentences similar. - (1) I preform in front of people all the time. USED (2) I ____ in front of people.
am used to performing
Use the word given and 2 to 5 words to make both sentences similar. - (1) We always went to the festival. WOULD (2) We ____ to the festival.
would always go
Use the word given and 2 to 5 words to make both sentences similar. - (1) I enjoyed learning to play guitar. USED (2) I ____ learning to play guitar.
used to enjoy
Fans a re now more ___ and meet and greet sessions are very popular. [ ambitious ] [ confirm ] [ exploit ] [ person ] [ profitable ] [ put ] [ raise ] [ release ]
Fans like to meet their heroes in ____. [ ambitious ] [ confirm ] [ exploit ] [ person ] [ profitable ] [ put ] [ raise ] [ release ]
They do not want to ___ their fans. [ ambitious ] [ confirm ] [ exploit ] [ person ] [ profitable ] [ put ] [ raise ] [ release ]
The band want their work to be ____ they must also encourage their fans to ___ their popularity by 'liking' videos on social media. [ ambitious ] [ confirm ] [ exploit ] [ person ] [ profitable ] [ put ] [ raise ] [ release ]
profitable - confirm
The band want to ___ on a big gig in their hometown. [ ambitious ] [ confirm ] [ exploit ] [ person ] [ profitable ] [ put ] [ raise ] [ release ]
The band have new songs but can't afford to ____ new music. [ ambitious ] [ confirm ] [ exploit ] [ person ] [ profitable ] [ put ] [ raise ] [ release ]
I like to ___ money for charity. [ ambitious ] [ confirm ] [ exploit ] [ person ] [ profitable ] [ put ] [ raise ] [ release ]
When I lived on my own, I ___ much more exercise. [ went ] [ practised ] [ did ] [ made ]
I'm determined to learn the ___ this year. [ water skiing ] [ yoga ] [ guitar ] [ Spanish ]
Do you enjoy ___ time with your friends? [ doing ] [ spending ] [ do ] [ spend ]
My brother's always ___ computer games instead of doing his homework. [ playing ] [ doing ] [ play ] [ do ]
Present simple or present continuous form: You ___ (play) really well today.
You are playing really well today.
Present simple or present continuous form: Traditional music ____ (get) more and more popular.
Traditional music is getting more and more popular.
Present simple or present continuous form: She's never at home. She ___ (always do) something in the evening.
She is always doing something in the evening.
Present simple or present continuous form: My teacher ___ (not think) it's a good idea to learn an instrument when you are too young.
My teacher doesn't think it's a good idea to learn an instrument when you are too young.
Present simple or present continuous form: I don't understand what you ___ (say). Can you say it again, please?
I don't understand what you are saying.
Present simple or present continuous form: I ____ (not like) classical music.
I don't like classical music