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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can all mixtures be separated?
yes, some mixtures are just harder to separate than others.
A container of nuts is considered a mixture if the container-
D had two or more kinds of nuts in it
What is the best tool to use to separate trail mix? Hands, sieve, filter, or magnet?
What is the best tool to use to separate water and sand? Hands, sieve, filter, or magnet?
A solution is a type of mixture. What is the difference between a solution and a mixture?
Unlike a mixture of trail mix or fruit salad, a solution is a mixture where the substances mix together evenly, so individual substances are not visible.
How do we know that a salad is a mixture?
A The salad is made up of different types of food
All of the following are mixtures EXCEPT-
C glass marbles in a pile
Students have a jar of pennies. How could they make a mixture with this?
C add dimes and stir them in
What could you do to a container of gravel to make it a mixture?
B add a spoonful of sand and stir
What would be the result of combining peanuts, raisins, and chocolate chips?
C a mixture would be produced
What is the best tool to use to separate sand and iron filings? Hands, sieve, filter, or magnet?
What is the best tool to use to separate sand and gravel? Hands, sieve, filter, or magnet?
Which of the following would create a mixture?
B adding sand to gravel
Which of the following is always true about mixtures? A mixture is always-
D made of two or more materials
True or false? Do I make a mixture if I mix cold water and hot water?
False. Both substances are water. Changing the temperature of the water does not change the substance.
What is a mixture?
A mixture is two or more substances that are combined together.