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Fronts and Air Pressure

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What color is the occluded front symbol?
What does it mean if something appears red on a weather map?
Either a low pressure system or warm front
What type of front has gentle rain and snow followed by warmer, milder weather?
Warm front
What front creates severe weather - heavy rain/snow followed by cool, fair weather?
Cold front
What type of front is an advancing mass of warm air rising over a mass of cold air?
Warm front
What type of pressure system has air that rises?
Low pressure system
What type of pressure system has warm/moist air and brings cloudy weather with precipitation?
Low pressure system
What type of pressure system has air that sinks?
High pressure system
What type of pressure system has cool/dry air and clear and sunny weather?
High pressure system
What type of front can bring strong winds and heavy precipitation and the temperature will drop?
Occluded front
What type of front happens at the boundary between two different air masses neither of which is strong enough to replace the other?
Stationary front
When the cold front of a depression overtakes the warm front, raising the warm sector from ground level which front is created?
Occluded front
What kind of front has a mass of cold air that pushes under a mass of warm air?
Cold front
Gentle rain or snow followed by warmer, milder weather.
What type of weather is associated with a warm front?
Severe weather, heavy rain/snow followed by cool, fair weather.
What is a cold front?
What type of weather is associated with a high pressure system?
Clear and sunny
What type of weather is associated with a low pressure system?
Cloudy with precipitation
What type of weather is associated with an occluded front?
The temperature drops, can bring strong winds and heavy precipitation.
What type of weather is associated with a stationary front?
Clouds and fog at the boundary that could last for days. May bring rain or snow.
What type of weather is associated with a warm front?
Gentle rain or snow followed by warmer, milder weather.
What type of weather is associated with a cold front?
Heavy thunderstorms or severe weather, heavy precipitation followed by cool, fair weather.