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Book 4 (2nd half)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I was just about to leave when you called.
I am going to have my car fixed by a mechanic tomorrow.
He is about to lighting a cigarette.
Wrong! He is about to light a cigarette.
I cut my hair at the hairdresser's.
Wrong! I had my hair cut at the hairdresser's.
I’d rather stay at home than go out tonight.
Would you rather she chooses a different restaurant next time?
Wrong! Would you rather she chose a different restaurant next time?
I would rather you didn't smoke here.
My boss told me to finish the report as soon as possible.
My friend told me not to trust that man.
My mother suggested me to start my own business.
Wrong! My mother suggested that I should start my own business.
He used to working long hours because he is a doctor.
Wrong! He is used to working long hours.
Would you mind If I took the day off tomorrow?
I got used to living in Canada in spite of the cold weather.
I am used to waking up very late, but now I wake up at 6 every morning.
Wrong! I used to wake up very late.
My great grandfather entered the Guinness Book. He could score a goal 4 seconds after the match had started.
Wrong! He was able to score a goal 4 seconds after the match had started.
When Jim was a boy he could climb trees very well.
Do you mind if I close the window?
Would you mind move your car?
Wrong! Would you mind moving your car?