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The Big Sixth Class Revision Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In what ocean would you find the Bermuda Triangle?
The Atlantic Ocean
How many of his wives did Henry VIII have executed?
How many wives did Henry VIII have ?
In which county would you find Loftus Hall, the haunted house?
What was the type of salt that the ancient Egyptians used in mummification?
Where did Martin Luther King deliver his "I have a dream" speech?
The Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C.
What age was Martin Luther King when he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1964?
What date is Independence Day in the U.S.A.?
The 4th of July.
What is the capital city of Brazil?
Why do sloths climb down from the rainforest canopy?
To poop!
Which Greek king planned and led the attack on Troy?
How heavy can the largest bears get?
Up to 700 kilograms
In "Roll Of Thunder, Hear My Cry", who is Cassie Logan's teacher?
Miss Crocker
What does an omnivore eat?
Meat and plants
In what city did Rosa Parks refuse to give up her bus seat?
Montgomery, Alabama
What animal did the Greeks build from wood to trick the Trojans?
A horse
What had the Salmon of Knowledge eaten that had made him a magical fish?
What was the name of the Greek queen that Paris took back to Troy?
Who was the old scholar who told Fionn about the Salmon of Knowledge?
On what continent would you find the Spectacled Bear?
South America
In what U.S. city was Martin Luther King Jr. shot?
Memphis, Tennessee