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Maths Grade 3 Word Problems

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A baker made too many loaves of bread, so he needed to throw some away :( On Monday he threw about 22 loaves, on Tuesday it was 13 loaves. On Wednesday he had to throw away 18 loaves. How many loaves did he throw away altogether?
22+13+18 = 53 loaves
How many loaves did he have to throw away each day?
Mon: (Made 120) - (Sold 98) = 22 thrown away Tues: (Made 100) - (Sold 87) = 13 thrown away Wed: (Made 130) - (Sold 112) = 18 thrown away
How many loaves did he make over the three days?
Mon: Made 120 Tues: Made 100. Wed: Made 130 Answer: 120 + 100 + 130 = 350 loaves
How many coconuts did he sell over the three days?
Tues: sold 0 Wed: Sold 31 Thurs: Sold 34 Fri: Sold 47 Answer: 31+34+47 = 112
How many coconuts did he have left at the end of each day?
Tues: 14 coconuts Wed: 14 + (2 large boxes of 75) - (selling 31). 14 + (75 x 2) - 31 = 14 + 150 - 31 = 164 - 31 = 133 Thurs: 133 - 34 = 99 Fri: 99 - 47 = 52
There were 51 people on the bus. At the stop before the final (last) stop, 37 people got off. How many people got off at the last stop?
1) 51 - 37 = 14 There were 14 people left on the bus.
How many people got on the bus after the third stop?
1) 23 + 19 = 42 2) 42 + 9 = 51 Answer = 51
How many people were on the bus after the second stop?
23 + 19 = 42