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Go for Gold: The Olympic Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much gold is contained in an Olympic gold medal (in grams)?
6 grams
Where will the next Olympics be held?
Which racket sport is NOT part of the Olympics?
How old is the youngest person to ever compete in the Olympics?
Dimitros Loundras was 10 years old when he competed.
How many points is a gold medal worth in the Olympics?
3 points
Name 2 winter Olympic sports starting with the letter S
Short Track Speed Skating, Skeleton, Ski Jumping, Ski Mountaineering, Snowboarding, Speed Skating
Which countries are ranked in the top 3 for the most Olympic medals?
United States, Germany and Great Britain
Who was the only South African athlete who was denied to compete in recent years?
Caster Semenya
Which South African holds the female 200m breaststroke record?
Tatjana Schoenmaker
What two races did Usain Bolt run?
100m and 200m
How old is the famous gymnast Simone Biles?
26 years old
Which male swimmer has won the most gold medals?
Michael Phelps
The Olympics were first held to honor which Greek god?
Which country has hosted the most Olympic Games?
United States
What colour are the famous Olympic rings?
Blue, yellow, black, green and red
What year will the next Olympic Games be?
In which country did the Olympics originate?