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The Past Simple Tense

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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25. Spot the error, which verb is misspelled?
24. Spot the error! Which verb is misspelled?
23. Spot the error, which verb is misspelled?
22. Spot the mistake! Which verb is spelled wrongly?
21. Spot the error! Which verb is misspelled?
20. Spot the error here! Which verb is misspelled?
19. Check these verbs! {feeled - froozed, hided)
felt - froze - hid
18. We don't live here anymore, for we _____________ (sell) our house.
17. He is so clever; he ____________ (understand) it immediately.
16. If the past tense of "rise" is "rose" then the past tense of "ride" is "____________."
15. If the past tense of "come" is "came" then the past tense of "become" is "_____________."
14. The hammer ____________ (hit) the boy's head, so he ______________ (hurt) himself.
(hit) //// (hurt)
13. If the past tense of "tell" is "told" then the past tense of "sell" is "___________."
12. How would you read the past tense of the following verb? (present form: read ////// past form: read )
11. If the past tense of "pay" is " paid" then the past tense of "lay" is "_____________."
10. If the past tense of "sleep" is " slept" then the past tense of "sweep" is "___________."
9. My mum _____________ ( light ) the candle yesterday. I ____________ (am) super happy.
(lit) /// (was)
8. What is the past tense of the following verbs? (fall .....//// feel .......)
( Fall ------Fell ) ////// ( Feel -----Felt )
7. Which of the following verbs end with "aught" in the past tense form? (bring - catch - draw - teach)
(catch and teach)
6. My team members _____________ (waited - waitd) for two minutes only; I ______________ (thinked - thought) of running after them.
(waited) //// (thought)
5. Change the following verbs into the past tense. The kids _______________ (eated - ate) their breakfast and _____________(go - went) to the playground few minutes ago.
(ate) //// (went)
4. Change the verbs in the following sentence into the past tense. We _____________ (stayed - staied) at the hotel until Friday night. We __________(met - meeted) our friends later on.
(stayed) /// (met)
3. We ____________ (stoped / stopped) when we saw the red colour.
2. Which time expressions do we use with the past tense? Name three.
Yesterday - Two days ago - last year - last month - last week - last Friday -
1. We use the past tense to talk about _________________ .
actions that happened and finished.