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P.6_3-6: Tenses Review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Peter and John __________________ (become) less hardworking since they finished the first term exam.
have become
For the past few months, my FYP group ____________ (try) a lot of new things, such as conducting an interview and carrying out an action plan.
has tried
The FYP Sharing night will be held in mid May. Our group _______________ (not prepare) much so far.
has not prepared
By the time Mr Chan arrived at the theatre, the show _____________ (begin) already.
had begun
Connie's fans __________________ (make) a lot of positive comments on her Facebook page.
have made
In fact, Connie __________ (be) very nervous until the moment that the competition result was announced.
had been /was
The teacher __________ (warn) the students just now, "Don't run in the corridor! It's slippery."
"I ___________ (go) to school on foot every day," Connie said to her fans.
Last week, Connie's mother _______ (bake) a cake for Connie's birthday party.
Right after the release of Connie's first album, more people __________ (get) to know her amazing voice and wonderful singing techniques.
Connie _________ never __________ (travel) by plane before she became the winner of Britain's Got Talent.
had travelled
By the time Connie ________ (be) 18 years old, she had performed in over 30 cities worldwide.
After Connie had learned more singing skills, she _________ (decide) to apply for Britain's Got Talent.
Her mother __________ (teach) Connie to sing a few years ago.
Connie _______ (sing) in church every Sunday morning.
Connie _____________ (spend) a lot of time practising the songs recently.
has spent
After every contestant ___________ (perform), the judges announced the results.
had performed
Before that competition, Connie's friends ______ never ______ (see) her sing on stage.
had seen
Connie ______________ (practice) for many years before she won the singing competition last month.
had practised
We can use ___________ tense to talk about habitual events and general facts.
Simple present
We use ______(1)_______ tense to talk about something that happened before another action in the past. For the action that happened later, we use ______(2)_______ tense to indicate it.
(1) Past perfect and (2) Simple past.
We use ____________ tense to indicate one past action completed before another past event.
Past perfect.
What tense should we use to describe past events or actions that occurred at a fixed time?
Simple past tense.
What tense should we use to describe actions recently completed or actions that began in the past and continue till the present?
Present perfect tense.