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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We are at school all day on субботы и воскресенья. In the evenings we have talk-and-play time with our friends. I love my school!
Saturday and Sunday
Со вторника по пятницу we do a lot of self-study at home. We go to school on weekend days to talk about books, have project presentations, do experiments and get new homework for the new week.
From Tuesday to Friday
In the evening, Year 3 have self-study time – they listen to audio stories, learn languages and learn to make things with their mums and dads in parentcontrolled Technology lesson. Это так интересно!
It’s so interesting!
Every day Year 3 have time for project work. First, they plan a project, then they Every day Year 3 have time for project work. First, they plan a project, then they читают a lot, and then they write th a lot
We can watch online lessons as many times as we want3. Every afternoon Year 3 have a PE lesson. In PE children can do what they want: play starball, or ride fly-bikes, or dance with a computer танцевальную programme
Here’s my friend’s plan for Week 35. He isn’t on a mission this year, he’s in Year 3. eek 35. He isn’t on a mission this year, he’s in Year 3. Every morning from вторник to Пятниц he has an online lesson – it’s a film, a game or a teacher’s
Tuesday to Friday
In Twinkyland, we don’t go to school on weekdays, but every pupil has their plan for self-study. Понедельник is a day off.
This year I’m on a mission to your planet. When I come home, I’ll tell my class about you and your planet. I’ll do a project about вашу планету.
your planet
All children in Twinkyland study. We don’t have holidays but after years 1, 3 and 5 we go on missions to other planets and звёзды..