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The Hobbit Comprehension Assessment

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What is Bilbo’s plan to avoid war?
His plan was to give the arkenstone to the Elf King.
What did Bard use to slay the dragon?
A black arrow
What did the Master of LakeTown not believe?
He didn’t believe that Thorin was related to Thor, King of the Mountain.
How does Bilbo save the dwarves from the spiders?
He turns invisible and uses his sword to cut them down.
What happens to Thorin in the end?
He dies.
When Bard comes to claim some of the gold, how does Thorin respond?
He is uncooperative.
The dwarves get locked up by the wood elves. How are they freed? How does Bilbo help the dwarves escape the dungeons of Mirkwood?
An invisible Bilbo frees them from the dungeons and they float in barrels used for trade down the river and out of Mirkwood.
What are moon letters?
Rune letters that only appear when the phase of the moon from which it was written shines behind them.
What is Bilbo so distressed about losing after he escapes the goblins' caves in the Misty Mountains?
His buttons
Where does Bilbo find the One Ring?
The Misty Mountain's Caves
Who says this: “Let’s have no more argument. I have chosen Mr. Baggins and that ought to be enough for all of you. If I say he is a Burglar, a Burglar he is, or will be when the time comes. There is a lot more in him than you guess..."
Where does Bilbo hide the dwarves during their escape from the wood elves?
In barrels
What is happening to Bilbo’s possessions when he returns home?
They are being auctioned off.
Who saves the party from the Wargs?
The Eagles
What is Smaug’s weakness?
A missing scale above his heart.
What kind of contest do Bilbo and Gollum hold?
What is the name of Gandalf’s sword?
What does Bilbo name his sword?
What evil sorcerer has taken up residence in Mirkwood?
The Necromancer
What two shapes can Beorn assume?
Bear and Human
What is the name of the evil wolflike creatures that support the goblins?
Where does Bilbo choose to live at the end of the novel?
Who is the master of Rivendell?
What happens to trolls when they are exposed to daylight?
They turn to stone.
What is the name of Bilbo’s hillside home?
Bag End
Who kills Smaug?
How many armies are assembled at the final battle?
What is Bilbo's more adventurous side?
What is the name of the treasure Thorin values most?
What is the name of Thorin’s sword that was found in the trolls’ cave?
What does Smaug keep that belongs to the dwarves?
What is the name of the town that the dragon Smaug destroyed?
Lake Town
What does Bilbo not tell the dwarves about his adventures inside the tunnels?
That he now has a ring that makes him invisible.
Why does Bilbo go with the Dwarves?
For adventure
Who wants Mr. Baggins to accompany the Dwarves?
Bilbo is a descendant of the
Baggins and the Tooks
Which of the following would best be identified as the Return with Elixer?
Bilbo returns home with self-knowledge and wisdom.
Which of the following would best be identified as the Reward?
Bilbo is given a goblet, but he gains maturity in many ways.
Which of the following would best be identified as the Ordeal?
Bilbo holds a conversation with Smaug.
Which of the following would best be identified as the Approach to the Inmost Cave?
Bilbo must go by himself down the secret path to the heart of the Lonely Mountain where Smaug lives.
Which of the following would best be identified as the Tests, Allies, and Enemies?
Bilbo encounters trolls, goblins, elves, spiders, and more.
Which of the following would best be identified as Crossing the Threshold?
Bilbo runs to the Green Dragon Inn hoping to catch the dwarves.
Which of the following would best be identified as Meeting the Mentor?
Gandalf encourages Bilbo to go on the adventure.
Which of the following would best be identified as the Refusal of the Call?
Bilbo wants the dwarves out of his house and does not want adventure.
Which of the following would best be identified as the Call to Adventure?
Gandalf invites the dwarves to Bilbo's house and wants Bilbo to join their mission.
Which of the following would best be identified as the Ordinary World?
The Shire
Who is the wizard?
Who is Thorin?
King of the Dwarves
Who is the main protagonist of the story?
Who is the author of The Hobbit?
JRR Tolkien