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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What color is a giraffe's tongue? Blue, orange or pink
What is the only US state name that ends with three vowels?
What is the only fruit to have its seeds on the outside?
Which contains more vitamin C? Bell peppers or oranges?
Bell peppers
What is a second full moon in a month called? Harvest moon, blood moon, or blue moon?
Blue moon
Who wielded a sword named Excalibur?
King Arthur
What pop star's dedicated fans broke a Twitter world record in 2012 for the most social media mentions in a 24-hour period?
Justin Bieber (more than 290 000 tweets throughout the day)
Who is not one of the children in The Chronicles of Narnia? Lucy, Charles or Susan?
Charles (Peter and Edmund are the two male characters)
How much money does the president of the US make in a year? $250 000, $400 000, or $1 million?
$400 000
What US city are you headed to if your luggage tags read "LAX"?
Los Angeles
What video-sharing website was purchased by Google in 2006 for $1.65 billion?
In which city did the first Starbucks open? Chicago, New York, or Seattle?
What six colors come in a standard bag of milk chocolate M&M's?
Blue, brown, green, orange, red, and yellow
How many times does the average heart beat each day? 10 000, 100 000, or 1 000 000?
100 000
In Marvel comics, who has an assistant named Pepper Potts?
Iron Man (aka Tony Stark)
How long does it take a human blood cell to make a complete circuit of the human body? One, five, or ten minutes?
One minute
What is the name of Super Mario's brother?
Which Hollywood film studio's logo is a mountain surrounded by 22 stars?
Which is not a color of one of the Olympic rings? Black, silver, or yellow?
Silver (the five colors are blue, yellow, black, green, and red)
How many muscles are there in an elephant's trunk? 400, 4000, or 40 000?
40 000
What creature is usually the highlight of a Chinese New Year's parade? A panda, dragon, or snake?
What color is always at the top of a single rainbow?
What Pixar release was the first feature film to be entirely computer-animated?
Toy Story
How many checkers does each player start a game with? 10, 12, or 16?
What do you do every time you sneeze? Clean your ears, close your eyes, or wink?
Close your eyes
What is the basic flavoring of Kahlua?
Which pop singer refers to her fans as "little monsters"?
Lady Gaga
Humans have more teeth than horses do. True or false?
False (horses have between 36 and 44 teeth, while humans have up to 32)
Katniss Everdeen is the protagonist in which book trilogy?
Hunger Games
Who use the uneven bars in competitive gymnastics? Men, women or both?
Where does SpongeBob SquarePants work?
The Krusty Krab
What digit does every Mastercard number start with? 4, 5 or 7?
Five (every Visa number starts with a four)
What number is a thousand thousands?
A million
What was the first mass-produced game to use people as playing pieces?
What flavors make up Neopolitan ice cream?
Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry
In which museum does the Mona Lisa hang? The Uffizi, the Louvre or the Musee d'Orsay?
The Louvre
What mammal has the longest pregnancy?
The elephant (it lasts about 22 months)
The Statue of Liberty in New York was a gift given by which country?
What is the most popular animal eaten before it's born and after it's dead?
Which fish became popular at fish stores because of Finding Nemo? Clown fish, angel fish or butterflyfish?
Clown fish
What is a perfect score in bowling?
Which city does not have an official Disneyland? Hong Kong, Moscow, or Tokyo?
What taste are cats unable to detect? Sweet, sour or spicy?
How many colors are on a Rubik's Cube?
What two colors are the cat's hat in The Cat in the Hat?
Red and white
What city is not in Egypt? Cairo, Dakar, or Rosetta?
Dakar (it is in Senegal)
What symbol of peace surrounds the globe on the UN flag? A dove, olive branch or praying hands?
Olive branch
What aerobic activity is used for "spinning" classes?
Bycicle riding
What month is the Earth closest to the sun? January, June, or September?
What physical fitness practice is named for the Sanskrit word for "union"?
What is the only planet in the solar system that is named after a female figure?
What artificial sweetener based on sucralose was introduced in 1999?
A unicorn appears on the Starbucks Coffee logo, true or false?
False, the logo features a mermaid
If all your blood vessels were connected end to end, how many miles would they run? Six hundred, six thousand, or sixty thousand?
60,000 (That's more than twice around the Earth)
What is the name of the winged horse of Greek mythology? Pegasus, Unicorn, or Hydra?
How many U.S. states end with the letter "o"?
Four (Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, and Ohio
What cylindrical food container was so prized by its inventor that he requested his ashes be interred in one?
Pringles can
What color are the stars on the national flag of the United States?
What group recorded all but a few of its songs at London's Abbey Road studio?
The Beatles