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BRAINSTORM!! Vocabulary game

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
Caption this!
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
Caption this!
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
What's going on here?
Caption this!!
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(eg. serious, thoughtful, critical, uncertain, orderly)
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(eg. sleepy, exhausted, over-worked, lazy, over-tired)
What are they saying to each other? how do they feel?
(eg. arrogant, angry, defiant, hurt, offended)
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(eg. stunned, disoriented, annoyed, surprised, scattered)
Caption this!!
Who can think of the best caption for this picture?
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(eg. frightened, upset, worried, shocked, burnt)
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(e. curious, inquisitive, innocent, unsuspecting, hazardous)
Caption this!!
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(eg. busy, hard-working, fast, determined, persistent)
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(eg red elementary old-fashioned private pretty)
Brainstorm 5 adjectives!!
(eg. dark romantic serene beautiful quiet)