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Kevin 'Home alone' 1&2- quiz

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What holiday song was Kevin playing when he tried to make the robbers believe his parent's were throwing a party?
'Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree'
What does Harry step on when he climbs into the window of the McCallister house?
Christmas ornaments
How does Kate McCallister make her way back to Chicago?
By van with a travelling polka band
Why did everyone oversleep on the morning of their flight?
There was no electricity
Kevin gets into a fight with his brother and is sent to bed early ...
In the attic bedroom
Where do the McCallisters live?
What does the family eat for dinner the night before their flight?
In which year was Home Alone released?
What does Kevin give the bellhop ina The Plaza Hotel nstead of a tip?
When Mr Duncan tells Kevin he can choose one decoration from the tree to keep, what does he pick?
Turtle doves
What do Harry and Marv plan on robbing in NY?
A toy shop
Who was the famous person that Kevin met in The Plaza Hotel in NY?
Donald Trump
What happens to Marv in the basement when he pulls the light switch?
He gets hit by a hot iron
What kind of pet does Buzz have?
A tarantula
What song does Kevin sing to himself in the mirror?
White Christmas
What does Santa give Kevin since he's out of candy canes?
Tic Tacs
What did Kevin's dad find on the floor after returning home from France?
Harry's gold tooth
Who saves Kevin from the Wet Bandits?
Old man Marley
What are the names of two crooks who ivade Kevin's house?
Harry and Marv
Why doesn't Kevin want to sleep in the same bed as his cousin Fuller?
Fuller will wet the bed.
What is Kevin's surname?
Where was Kevin's family traveling to for Christmas in "Home alone1"?