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DESCRIBING A PICTURE: What do you see?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What can you see here?
sunset, a path, some grass, a fence, the ocean
What can you see here?
cliffs, grass, the ocean
What can you see here?
an island, some trees, houses, a beach, beach umbrellas, a boat, the ocean
Can you say where the mice are and what they are doing?
Look carefully: what 'mistake' can you find in this picture?
the date is impossible: June has only 30 days.
What's on the desk? How many things can you name?
a computer, keyboard, mouse, printer, vase with rose, folders, photo frame
Where are they and what are they doing? What are they wearing?
a family / riding their bikes / mother father boy girl baby/ by the lake/ summer clothes
Where are they and what are they doing?
in a restaurant / waiter / customers / man - woman / order food
What do you see? There is, there are ....
summer / swimming pool / children jumping in / life-guard
What do you see? There is, there are ....
family / have a picnic / lake / mountains / blanket / food / children
What do you see? There is, there are ....
a forest / a little stream / a path / a small bridge over the stream / flowers
What do you see?
inside a car / person driving / motorway / lorry in front of him/ buildings / nice day / sign
Where are these people? What are they doing? What are they looking at?
on a mountain / hiking / valley / river / boy and girl / enjoy the view
What do you see? How many people are there? Who is sitting, who is standing?
What is each child doing in this picture? What are they wearing? Where are they?
What is each memeber of the family doing? What can you see?
Where are these people and what are they doing? What do you see?
What are they doing? Where are they? What are they wearing?
What do you see? What are they wearing? what are they looking at?
What do you see? There is / are...
two men climbing - pulling one man up - rope - cliff - sun -eagle flying
What do you see? There is / are...
people playing volleyball / beach - sand - summer
What do you see? There is / are...
family, mother, father, children, restaurant, food, table, lamps. Chinese
What do you see? There is / are...
park, lake, trees, people, man, woman, dogs, laptop, buildings
What do you see? There is / are...
countryside / mountains / rain / cottage / night / dark sky
What do you see? There is / are...
windmill / field / river / countryside
What do you see? There is / are...
mountains with snow / green meadow/ flowers / blue sky
What do you see? There is / are...
canyon / river / cliffs / trees / blue sky
What do you see?
inside a cave, a tree, it's dark
What do you see? There is / are...
waterfall / a river / lots of trees
What do you see? There is / are...
people lying on hammock or chair / palm trees / sand / the sea / sun shining
What do you see? There is / are...
three children swimming in the river.
What do you see? There is / are...
a forest / autumn trees / leaves / a path
What do you see? There is / are...
a small house in the forest.
What do you see? There is / are...
countryside / mountains in the background / a man washing his cow
What do you see? There is / are...
people camping - tent - night - playing the guitar - moon - campfire
What do you see? There is / are...
There are fish in the lake / hills / trees / countryside
What do you see? There is / there are ...
fields of hay / country house / hills / clouds
What is the boy doing? What's the weather like?
walking the dog - snowing
What do you see? There is / are...
a small village / night / snowing / cold / stars / dark sky
What do you see? There is / there are ...
a red barn / farm / animals / horse / goat / duck / rabbit
What do you see? There is / there are ...
children playing in the sand - seagull flying- people swimming- hang-gliding - paddling- building a sand-castle
What do you see? There is / there are ...
a boy / pier / lake / moon / it is night/
What do you see? There is / there are ...
mountains / desert / sunrise or sunset / van / motorway / beautiful
What do you see? There is / there are ...
small town / square / birds or seagulls flying / people / a dog
What do you see? There is / there are ...
It is sunrise or morning / hills / sun / fields / trees / lake
What do you see? There is / are...
desert / the sun / cactus (cacti) / it is very hot
What do you see? There is / there are ...
a river / cars crossing the bridge / a city / buildings / storm clouds
What do you see? What time of day is it? What are the men doing?
There are two boats / fishing / men / river / dawn or early morning
What do you see? There is / are...
mountains, night sky, stars, the moon, grass
What do you see? There is / are...
car / caravan / in the countryside / grass / trees / mountains