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What type of park is it?

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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People visit Kentucky to experience a ________.
A Fair
If you have a chance to visit Pennsylvania take a look around here for a great time at a ____.
A Fair
New York has to many reasons for people to visit. This is another reason. Its a _____
A Fair
Costa Rica in San Jose is a great place to experience the Fiestas de Zapote. Its a fun ____.
A Fair
Massachusetts has great diversions for visitors including the Big E a _____.
A Fair
If you've got ice in your veins you might consider Iceland a great vacation destination at their ______.
A National Park
If you like countries dangerous animals come visit Kakadu Park in Australia a cool ______.
A National Park
In Chile they have the Torres del Paine a beautiful _____.
A National Park
Hollywood is the proud home of _____ park Universal Studios Hollywood.
An Amusement/Theme Park
If you're in Germany in the summer take a nap in the _______ Der Englischer Garten.
A Community Park
Besides lots of Festivals Brazil has Ibirapuera which is a ________.
A Community Park
Visiting Osaka? Enjoy the Sakura blossoms and a cool caste at a _____.
A Community Park
You can have a relaxing afternoon at Hangang in South Korea. It's a _____
A Community Park
A really cool destination in Tokyo opened by Disney is a ______
An Amusement/Theme Park
Rockton located in Ontario, Canada is a great example of a ______.
A Fair
Słowiński is an interesting place located in the desert. What kind of park is this?
A National Park
Six Flags SkyScreamer in New England has the tallest Sky Swing in the world. This is a _____.
An Amusement/Theme Park
Efteling is the third most visited _______ in Europe based on Fairytales.
An Amusement/Theme Park
This is a Harry Potter park. What type of park is it?
An Amusement/Theme Park
This is Hibiya Park, in Tokyo. What type of park is it?
A Community Park
This is Cabañeros, in Ciudad Real. What type of park is it?
A National Park
This is Hyde ______, in London. What type of park is this?
A Community Park
This is Disneyland. What type of park is it?
An Amusement/Theme Park
This is the Grand Canyon. What type of park is it?
A National Park
This is Port Aventura. What type of park is it?
An Amusement/Theme Park
What type of park is this?
A Community Park
This is the Albufera park in Valencia. What type of park is it?
A National Park
This is Yellowstone. What type of park is it?
A National Park
This is Central Park, in New York City. What type of park is it?
A Community Park