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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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a piece of informal clothing with long sleeves, usually made of thick cotton
What is this pattern?
dotted (adj)
What is this pattern?
checkered (adj)
What is this pattern?
striped (adj)
the part of a piece of clothing that covers some or all of the arm
the sleeve(s)
What is this?
a purse
Whatt are these?
perfume /pərˈfjuːm/
What is this?
a necklace /ˈnek.ləs/
What are these made of?
leather /ˈleð.ɚ/
a business that washes clothes, sheets, etc. for customers
the laundry /ˈlɑːn.dri/
a piece of paper or other material that gives you information about the object it is attached to
a label /ˈleɪ.bəl/
to make clothes by using two long needles (v)
knit /nɪt/
a piece of clothing with long sleeves that is usually made from wool
a jumper
What are these called?
jewellery / jewelery /ˈdʒuː.əl.ri/
What is this?
a jacket
a square piece of cloth or paper used for cleaning the nose or drying the eyes
What is this?
an earring
a strap that is put around the neck of an animal
the collar
the part around the neck of a piece of clothing
the collar
What is this?
a chain
A soft flat hat that has a curved part sticking out at the front
a cap
What are these?
What is this?
a bracelet
a shirt for a woman or girl