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Powerful Presentations

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Feeling very nervous speaking in front of an audience. (pg. 117)
stage fright
Words that express the main ideas of your presentation. (pg. 117)
key words
This a piece of paper that you give to your audience to help explain the ideas in your presentation.
What does PEGS stand for?
Posture, Eye Contact, Gestures, Smile
This is how you communicate with your audience using your body.
body language
What is a visual aid?
Pictures, graphs, charts and other things that visually stimulate your audience.
The most important thing is passing this class is _________.
A _________ is a pattern. (pg. 71)
means not active or engaged. (pg. 71)
This picture is a ____________.
pie chart
Means evidence (pg. 47)
An __________ is a comparison showing how two different things are similar. A presenter can improve the understanding of the audience using an _______.
An ___________ is a short story. (pg. 47)
This term means to copy someone's work and present it as your own. It's a kind of stealing. (pg. 47)
This is the largest part of your presentation that includes your three main points.
Name two kinds of 'hooks' (Pg. 30)
1) Statement ; 2) Question
A ______________ is a word or phrase that tells the audience your are moving to a new idea. (pg. 29)
A _______ is a main idea that supports your message or topic.
a powerful sentence at the end of your presentation.
This grabs your attention at the beginning of a presentation.
What is the picture an example of?
This is an idea people should remember about your presentation. (pg. 7)
What are the three P's in the three-P approach to public speaking? (Hint: Youtube video)
Prepare, Posture & Physicality, & Pander to your audience
The purpose of an _____________ presentation is to motivate your audience.
In this kind of a presentation, the purpose is to convince your audience of something. You want your audience to agree with you. (pg 11)
A short phrase that helps the audience remember your message after the presentation is over. (pg. 7)