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Ancient Greece and Rome

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which ancient people are known for their ability to build ships?
Ancient Greeks
Which ancient people are known for their ability to build roads?
ancient Romans
Which ancient civilization farmed on terraced hillsides to gain more space?
Which ancient civilization was located on a river?
What international sporting event held every four years is modeled after the games of ancient Greece?
the olympics
The ancient Romans had a ______________________ form of government, citizens elected other citizens to make rules and laws for everyone.
Greece is known as the birthplace of _________________________.
The act of giving or doing something is called a ___________________________.
A government in which people vote for (elect) a smaller group of citizens to make rules and laws for everyone is a _________________ _____________________.
representative democracy
A government in which people vote to make their own rules and laws is called a ______________ _______________________.
direct democracy
This artform was used to decorate many ancient Greek and Roman homes and buildings. What is it called?
The ancient Romans conducted many sporting contests here. What is this building called?
the Colosseum
This artform was used to decorate homes and buildings. What is it called?
The ancient Romans moved water from the mountains to their cities using these structures. What are they called?
Name this architectural feature used by the ancient Greeks and Romans.
the arch
What do we call the landform that describes the shape of Greece?
What large body of water was important to both the ancient Greeks and Romans?
the Mediterranean Sea