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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My favorite food is pizza.
What's your favorite food?
My favorite color is blue.
What's your favorite color?
No, she can't fly a kite.
Can she fly a kite?
Yes, he can sing.
Can he sing?
No, I can't dance.
Can you dance?
Yes, I can ride a bike.
Can you ride a bike?
No, I don't like swimming.
Do you like swimming?
Yes, I like football.
Do you like football?
I was born in London.
Where were you born?
She's 6 years old.
How old is she?
She's 9 years old.
How old is she?
No, I don't like cheese.
Do you like cheese?
Yes, I like bananas.
Do you like bananas?
I want to be a doctor.
What do you want to be?
My mom is 42 years old.
How old is your mom?
My dad is 45 years old.
How old is your dad?
My mom is a teacher.
What does your mom do?
My dad is a pilot.
What does your dad do?
I have three sisters.
How many sisters do you have?
I have one brother.
How many brothers do you have?
I'm fine.
How are you?
I'm from Australia.
Where are you from?
My name is Billy.
What's your name?
I'm 7 years old.
How old are you?