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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'd set them the task if they ...............(be) more reliable. However, I don't think they're capable of doing it.
I'd set them the task if they WERE more reliable. However, I don't think they're capable of doing it.
If I had known how long the journey was, I ......(take) something else to read with me.
If I had known how long the journey was, I WOULD HAVE TAKEN something else to read with me.
The radio is broken. When you turn it on, it .....(make) a strange noise.
The radio is broken. When you turn it on, it MAKES a strange noise.
If we increased the price, we ........(run) the risk of pricing ourselves out of the market.
If we increased the price, we WOULD RUN the risk of pricing ourselves out of the market.
If I were your brother I .......................(help) you during this difficult situation.
If I were your brother I would help you during this difficult situation.
...... I have enough time tomorrow I will come and visit you. (UNLESS / IF)
If I have enough time tomorrow I will come and visit you.
Where do you usually go to get away from the crowds if your town .......... (become) really crowded?
Where do you usually go to get away from the crowds if your town becomes really crowded?
You can do anything ..................... you finish the homework. (UNLESS/ ON CONDITION THAT)
You can do anything on condition that you finish the homework.
I wouldn’t move to the country ……. I had to. I prefer living in the city. (as long as - if only - in case - unless)
I wouldn’t move to the country UNLESS I had to. I prefer living in the city.
If the bus hadn’t been late, I ……. (see) the start of the film.
If the bus hadn’t been late, I WOULD HAVE SEEN the start of the film.
If we don’t hear from the town planners about our planned house extension, Dad.......(phone) them.
If we don’t hear from the town planners about our planned house extension, Dad WILL PHONE them
If I had a dog, I ……(walk) it every day in our local park. It’s only five minutes from my house.
If I had a dog, I WOULD WALK it every day in our local park. It’s only five minutes from my house.
What would you have spent the money on, if the government …… (give) you a cultural gift voucher for your last birthday?
What would you have spent the money on, if the government HAD GIVEN you a cultural gift voucher for your last birthday?
My mum is happy to move to the city....….the house has a big garden. (as long as - in case - unless- when)
My mum is happy to move to the city AS LONG AS the house has a big garden.
Can you give me your mobile phone number…….. I need to phone you? (as long as - in case - on condition that - unless)
Can you give me your mobile phone number IN CASE I need to phone you?
If I want to go shopping, I …… (catch) the bus from my town to Manchester. It only takes thirty minutes to get there.
If I want to go shopping, I CATCH the bus from my town to Manchester. It only takes thirty minutes to get there.
If they hadn’t built a factory near our village, my family……..(not move) house.
If they hadn’t built a factory near our village, my family WOULDN'T HAVE MOVED/ MIGHT NOT HAVE MOVED house.
If experts are to be believed, the world population ……….. (reach) almost ten billion by the year 2050.
If experts are to be believed, the world population WILL REACH almost ten billion by the year 2050.